So, you've decided to run for a local office in 2020. You are probably asking yourself How do I campaign during this COVID-19 pandemic?
Recently, Electable Advertising conducted an online survey of current and potential candidates to ask about their 2020 campaign strategies. The focus was twofold;
· Determine how Covid-19 would affect how they planned to allocate their campaign budget?
· Understand what they felt was the best use of their available campaign activities or time?
The results pointed to a major pivot away from previously “tried & true” local campaigning tactics, to more of a “virtual campaigning strategy”.
Budget Allocations
Yard signs down 40%
Political mail down 63%
Social media down 38%
Internet advertising up 68%
In terms of Time Allocation candidates expected to spend their campaign time as follows;
Canvassing and knocking on doors reduced from 82% to 5%
Making endorsement calls from 50% raised to 61%
Phone calls to voters more than doubled from 36% to 75%
Establishing digital campaigns went from 22% up to 84%.
Their stated reasons for such a dramatic shift was due to many factors. Overwhelmingly was the fact that in our current pandemic, voters are staying home to work, shop and shelter in place. They acknowledged a voter reluctance to open their doors to strangers or read & bring political mail inside. Many questioned if yard signs would be as visible as they have been previously and voiced concerns over social media which has recently become a hotbed of controversy. Also discussed they anticipated most voters would use mail in ballots and therefore the poll activity would be less then in previous elections.
Candidates did say while their method to get elected must change, to get elected they still must build their name ID/recognition, create awareness around their campaign and how they would address voters’ issues and concerns. To do this, the “virtual campaign” has grown exponentially faster for municipal candidates and they have pivoted quickly.
For more information and to be connected to one of our Political Representatives in your area, please contact us.