American voters have historically been given three voting choices; vote on Election Day at the polls, request an absentee/mail ballot or choose the early voting option which has become available in most states and allows voting at malls, shopping centers and other selected locations.
Due to recent changes driven by the current COVID-19 pandemic, states have adopted a new category they call “All-Mail”, where all registered voters and even non-registered voters will be mailed a ballot.
This “All-Mail” option will potentially create a 4th voting group made from people who planned to vote at the poll, but ultimately didn’t or people who never got around to requesting a permanent absentee ballot, and also didn’t vote and those who choose not to vote at all.
Now they have a ballot sent to their home and if the projections are correct, will now vote! In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll 64% of all Americans favor voting by mail and 76% of non-registered voters favor the mail option. This new group of potential voters must now be factored into political media planning modeling process.
Our Convergence technology will continue to select, rank and prioritize high propensity voters from the previous three groups, but will now broaden our reach to identify and connect with this new “All-Mail” group of both the registered voters and the registered non-voter. This “All-Mail” group will not carry the weight as the traditional 3 groups of voters, however; due to the easy access a ballot mailed to their homes makes, we expect this group must be recognized and entered into the media planning criteria.
This represents an important media planning change by Electable Advertising, and we believe this pivot will create a new voting audience for our candidate clients and provide them with a strategic advantage over their competition.
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